Kit de démarrage de maquillage à l'aérographe personnel

Prix ordinaire
$ 139.00
Prix soldes
$ 139.00
Prix ordinaire
$ 139.00
Prix unitaire

Couleur: Lumière

Nouveau! Notre kit de maquillage Airbrush a fait peau neuve ! Notre tout nouveau design est désormais doté d'un contrôle tactile, ce qui signifie qu'il n'y a plus de boutons ni de cadrans. Facile à utiliser d'une simple pression du doigt, le compresseur dispose de 3 modes de pression pour que vous puissiez facilement créer votre look impeccable en un clin d'œil. Tous les nouveaux stylets chromés sont à double action vous donnant le contrôle ultime.


Le maquillage à l'aérographe est amusant et facile et N'IMPORTE QUI peut aérographier son propre maquillage. La meilleure partie est que non seulement c'est plus rapide et plus propre que le maquillage traditionnel, mais vous en portez beaucoup moins ! En moyenne, seulement 5 à 7 gouttes de maquillage sont nécessaires pour obtenir des résultats impeccables, vous donnant ainsi l'impression de n'avoir rien sur votre peau.

Commencez Aeroblending en quelques minutes. Nous avons une politique de retour LOVE IT de 30 jours et une garantie de correspondance des couleurs avec tous les kits de démarrage personnels.

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur

◦ Compresseur - Ultra silencieux avec pression réglable en 3 modes et support d'aérographe

◦ Stylet aérographe professionnel en finition chromée

◦ Tuyau et bouchon

◦ 4 fonds de teint pour aérographe, 2 fards à joues, 1 surligneur et 1 poudre bronzante (taille de voyage de 6 ml chacun)

◦ Feuille d'instructions et de pratique

Garantie de correspondance des couleurs - Si les couleurs que vous recevez ne sont pas tout à fait correctes, pas de soucis ! Nous vous enverrons plus GRATUITEMENT. Détails ICI

Le choix de vos nuances est facile.

Pourquoi nous sommes différents.


Le maquillage Aeroblend ne contient aucun ingrédient d'origine animale. Nos produits ne sont pas testés sur les animaux et nous prévoyons de le garder ainsi.


Notre formule offre une finition naturelle de la peau et dure plus de 10 heures. Peu importe la couvrance, vous n'aurez jamais l'air cakey.


Sentez-vous bien ce que vous appliquez sur votre peau. Sans parfum, sans parabènes, sans silicones.

Formule douce remplie de
ingrédients botaniques

Les pigments à base minérale ont un effet adoucissant sur la peau, estompant les imperfections cutanées et les ridules. Notre formule hautement pigmentée signifie que très peu de maquillage est nécessaire pour obtenir une couverture complète.


Thé blanc


Pigments Minéraux

Aeroblend a été formulé pour être un fond de teint doux à base d'eau, tout en donnant des résultats professionnels. La finition d'Aeroblend donne une finition naturelle, donc elle ne sera pas brillante, mais elle ne sera pas non plus plate ou sèche. La finition naturelle impeccable n'aura pas l'air lourde ou pâteuse.

Aeroblend peut être utilisé sur tout type de peau, même les plus sensibles.

Dure plus de 10 heures.

Pigments soft focus hautes performances.

Très pigmenté - Très peu de maquillage est nécessaire pour donner une couverture.

Chaque kit contient 4 teintes de fond de teint au choix.


Le compresseur et l'aérographe ont une garantie limitée de 1 an.

Veuillez noter qu'il est tout à fait normal qu'une sédimentation se produise et que vous devez bien secouer le flacon de maquillage avant la première utilisation.

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews
Kate Lelegren
It’s fab

I was using an old machine and needed to upgrade so when I saw this was on sale I immediately purchased. What a difference with this compressor! I already had my foundation and blush from AeroBlend but having other colors with the starter kit allows me to mix and match through the seasons and color match with anyone else’s makeup that I may be doing. 10/10 would recommend.

Dante I
Fantastic Airbrush

Great airbrush. easy to clean but important to clean it EACH TIME you use it. Make sure you watch the video and put your finger over the front to drive the water and cleaner backwards to get all the make up out.

Launshae Reed
Love it

Best way to apply your makeup!!! Blends so well

Totally agree with you! We love that you love it!


Love this airbrush kit


So glad I purchased this! Makes doing my makeup soo quick and easy

Grace Haymberg
My new favorite way to apply makeup!

I love the Personal airbrush makeup starter kit! It’s so easy to use. The makeup looks flawless, and not cakey! I definitely recommend

Yay! So happy to hear that you're Aeroblending with ease! Love that you love it as much as we do! ♥

Amelia Schmit
Airbrush Makeup

The machine is so easy to use, so fast to apply, very affordable, lasts all day and night without getting cakey, greasy, or gross feeling! I highly recommend Aeroblend products.

Thanks for your amazing review! So happy to hear that you're loving it as much as we do! We agree! It's great to have makeup that holds up and doesn't turn on us later in the day.

Julie Eisentraut
Love it!

This was a well thought out kit. The sample shades were enough to fine tune my correct shade, plus it included a sample hilighter, as well as 2 blush shades. The practice page was super helpful!! I was quickly (2-3 practice runs) able to apply an even foundation.

Airbrush Every Day

Aeroblend has been formulated to be a gentle water-based foundation, yet give professional results. The finish of Aeroblend gives a natural finish, so it won't be shiny, but it won't be flat or dry looking either. Flawless, natural finish won't look heavy or cakey.

Aeroblend can be used on any skin type, even the most sensitive.  

Tap & Aeroblend

Easy to operate with just a tap of the finger, the compressor has 3 pressure modes so you can easily create your flawless look in a snap. All new chrome stylus is double action giving you the ultimate control.

Fast. Flawless. Easy.

Airbrush Makeup is fun & easy and ANYONE can airbrush their own makeup. The best part is that not only is it faster and cleaner than traditional makeup, you wear much less! On average, only 5-7 drops of makeup is needed to achieve flawless results so it feels like you have nothing on your skin.

What's inside

◦ Compressor - Ultra quiet with adjustable 3 mode pressure and airbrush holder

◦ Professional Airbrush Stylus in Chrome finish

◦ Hose & Plug

◦ 4 Airbrush Foundations, 2 Blush, 1 Highlighter & 1 Bronzer (6ml Travel Size each)

◦ Directions & Practice Sheet

Color Match Guarantee - If the colors you receive aren't quite right, no worries! We will send you more FREE. Details HERE


Choosing your shades is easy.  

Why we're different.


Aeroblend makeup does not contain any animal-derived ingredients. Our products are not tested on animals, and we plan to keep it that way.


Our formula offers a natural skin finish, and lasts 10+ hours. No matter the coverage - you'll never look cakey.


Feel good about what you're applying to your skin. No fragrance no parabens, no silicones.

Gentle formula packed with
botanical ingredients

Mineral based pigments have a softening effect on the skin, blurring any skin imperfections and line lines. Our highly pigmented formula means very little makeup is needed to get full coverage.


White Tea


Mineral Pigments

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews
Kate Lelegren
It’s fab

I was using an old machine and needed to upgrade so when I saw this was on sale I immediately purchased. What a difference with this compressor! I already had my foundation and blush from AeroBlend but having other colors with the starter kit allows me to mix and match through the seasons and color match with anyone else’s makeup that I may be doing. 10/10 would recommend.

Dante I
Fantastic Airbrush

Great airbrush. easy to clean but important to clean it EACH TIME you use it. Make sure you watch the video and put your finger over the front to drive the water and cleaner backwards to get all the make up out.

Launshae Reed
Love it

Best way to apply your makeup!!! Blends so well

Totally agree with you! We love that you love it!


Love this airbrush kit


So glad I purchased this! Makes doing my makeup soo quick and easy

Grace Haymberg
My new favorite way to apply makeup!

I love the Personal airbrush makeup starter kit! It’s so easy to use. The makeup looks flawless, and not cakey! I definitely recommend

Yay! So happy to hear that you're Aeroblending with ease! Love that you love it as much as we do! ♥

Amelia Schmit
Airbrush Makeup

The machine is so easy to use, so fast to apply, very affordable, lasts all day and night without getting cakey, greasy, or gross feeling! I highly recommend Aeroblend products.

Thanks for your amazing review! So happy to hear that you're loving it as much as we do! We agree! It's great to have makeup that holds up and doesn't turn on us later in the day.

Julie Eisentraut
Love it!

This was a well thought out kit. The sample shades were enough to fine tune my correct shade, plus it included a sample hilighter, as well as 2 blush shades. The practice page was super helpful!! I was quickly (2-3 practice runs) able to apply an even foundation.